My London Tours has been born
Let me officially declare that my website - My London Tours 'has been born'!
There are still things to be corrected; more Polish letters to be inserted here and there in the Polish version, facts to be triple-checked, more photos to be categorised for the gallery, SEO options to be looked into... The 'to do' list seems to be getting longer and longer...
I am very much grateful to a friend of mine - Wookee. If it hasn't been for him, the project would never become more than just some doodles on a piece of paper and wishful thinking! What is even of greater importance, is the fact that after all the stress accompanying the painful process of creation, we still remain friends:) Let me also express special gratitude to Gosia - Wookee's wife and my best friend. It was her who came to rescue with that final version of 'the lady in red' in the logo. By the way; happy anniversary to Gosia and Wookee this weekend!
There is a long list of people who have been very helpful and supportive. Let me just mention my husband Tim and his family, as well as Lin, Geff and my colleagues from Carlyle's House. Thank you ever so much for believing in me.
As for the blog... I have no idea how to write one and I have always avoided reading manuals (I am sure there are plenty of 'tips' on the internet with regards to 'how to write a blog;) Let me just give it a try.. and keep it 'lively and alive'. Suggestions are welcome:)
A proper article is coming up very soon. Next time you will find out more about the logo, the main photo on the website and the place where it was taken.
Does anyone know where exactly this photo was taken? Can you identify any buildings? If you do, email me asap! I shall think of a 'special little something' as a reward for the very first person who will get back to me!